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Cloud LIMS

By deploying your application using a cloud solution based on LIMSABC Platform, it enables you to increase or decrease capacity within minutes, not the typical hours or days. You can commission one, hundreds or even thousands of server instances simultaneously. Of course, because all of this is controlled with web service APIs, your LIMSABC Platform based application can automatically scale itself up and down depending on its needs.

Completely Controlled – LIMSABC Cloud LIMS

With LIMSABC Cloud LIMS, you’ll have complete control of your instances and have root access to each one. You’ll have the ability to interact with them just as you would with any machine.

LIMSABC Cloud LIMS allows you to stop your instance, while retaining the data on your boot partition. Then, you can subsequently restart the same instance using web service APIs. Instances can also be rebooted remotely using web service APIs. The ability to access the console output of your instances is also provided for.

LIMSABC is Flexible – Amazon Cloud LIMS

Having the choice of multiple instance types, operating systems, and software packages is important for labs. Amazon EC2 allows you to select the configuration of memory, CPU, instance storage, and boot partition size that is optimal for your choice of operating system and application. For example, your choice of operating systems includes numerous Linux distributions, and Microsoft Windows Server.

Designed for use with other Amazon Elastic Cloud, LIMSABC Platform works in conjunction with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon Simple DB and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) to provide a complete solution for computing, query processing and storage across the wide range of modules provided by LIMSABC Platform.

Reliable Cloud with Cloud Enabled LIMSABC Platform

Cloud offers a highly reliable environment where replacement instances can be rapidly and predictably commissioned. The service runs within a proven network infrastructure and data centers. Most professional cloud services offer 99.95% availability on a hosted environment. This can be quite expensive.

Going beyond traditional web-enabled solution, LIMSABC Platform is built from the ground up as an entirely web-based cloud enabled solution. By leveraging XML and other advanced internet technologies to facilitate data management and decision-making within the lab as well as throughout the enterprise, LIMSABC Platform provides high availability and extremely flexible LIMS cloud solutions.

LIMSABC Platform enables authorized users to configure, enhance and modify the system as business requirements change. Designed to make GUIs and Internet protocols entirely transparent to the user, LIMSABC Platform allows users to focus solely on creating optimized business rules. Using intuitive design tools, authorized users define the processes they need. Communications between the GUI and the business logic are achieved via standard web methods.

Elastic LIMSABC Solution - Cloud Clinical LIMS

LIMSABC Platform flexible configuration tools allow system administrators to easily establish and maintain their laboratory’s unique workflow and business rules through ad-hoc or pre-defined lifecycles.

All LIMSABC consultants have at least 5 years of professional experience implementing LIMS solutions. They can understand your lab process quickly and using the LIMSABC Platform, implement it even faster and inexpensively as well. For more information on LIMSABC Platform or to open your free cloud LIMS account, please contact LIMSABC.

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